Monday, October 24, 2022

Top 5 News Sources

 We are in the age of social media. I'm sure that all of you have used social media at some point in your life and probably continue to use it. As time progresses, social media sites begin to change and more content becomes available for consumption other than just the site's original main purpose.  According to a study done by Pew Research Center, about 86% of Americans get their news from some type of digital media, and I am one of them... And you probably are too. While some of these sources are more credible than others, it's still somewhere where you can get news and information.

1. Twitter/Instagram

Twitter was founded in 2006 in San Francisco. It is one of my favorite places to go from everywhere from pure entertainment to news about what's happening  in the world.  Unless you say something that is completely insane and out of pocket, everyone has a voice on that site and you can read discussions from people in the comments and learn about how others see the same subject.

2. Al Jazeera

Al Jezeera is an international news station that is run in the Middle East and  in London. It offers 24 hour information about news worldwide. My dad used to watch it in the morning before he would drop me off at school. I asked him why he liked watching it instead of CNN, NBC, or other news stations and he said that he liked to watch it because it presented the news without influence of biases from political parties, therefore, I also see it as a more credible news source.

3. Google News

"Google News is a news aggregator service developed by Google. It presents a continuous flow of links to articles organized from thousands of publishers and magazines." - Google. I like Google News because it shows you things that you are interested in, things that are happening in the world and the U.S, as well as things that are trending and it has a wide variety of trending things from politics to pop culture. For example, today on my Google News feed is news about Sister Wives, the new sims 4 update,  the UK prime minister, a school shooting, and the Amber Heard/ Johnny Depp case.

4. TikTok

TikTok is a video sharing app developed by a Chinese company called ByteDance. It was released in September of 2016. It mainly started out as a dancing app where creators could share up to 30 seconds of them dancing. As the app started growing, there began to be more and more content offered on there. The good thing about TikTok is that the videos are shorter so you can watch many more videos in a short span of time without getting bored.

5. YouTube

YouTube is also a video sharing app  that was release in 2005 . They have everything from music, to lets plays, to news and its just an expansive source to get your news in video form. 

My Relationship With Technology

 We are in the age of technology. There's new technology being developed and released daily. It surrounds us and it is an everyday part ...