Friday, December 16, 2022

My Relationship With Technology

 We are in the age of technology. There's new technology being developed and released daily. It surrounds us and it is an everyday part of life that is most likely never going to change.  Watching the Mad World remix, I realized that it highlighted the more negative side of technology that is unfortunately involved in all of our lives to some degree, from always being on social media and posting, to waking up and your phone being the first thing you pick up.  Another eye opening video about technology is the video of the 1964 Futurama Ride at New York World's Fair. It's interesting because in this ride, it kind of makes predictions of what they think the future will be like in the future; and all of these things  have happened in some way or the other. 

Many of us have different relationships with technology. I do think that I have a pretty healthy relationship with technology, or I would like to think that. I don't think that I feel like I have to be on my phone or that I have to be on my computer. When I wake up I don't immediately grab my phone to scroll through social media, I grab my phone to check the weather and turn my music on.  I do have to ponder if I give technology the appropriate amount of time in my life. I mean, we are in the age of technology and there are endless things to do online from keeping in touch with friends and family to playing video games to watching videos, to researching the questions that burn in your mind. I know I don't sit on my phone and scroll for 8 hours a day but, with my major and my freelance work, (I am a game design major and I do freelance 3D modeling for games) I am on my computer for the majority of the day. And then of course add in playing video games with my friends. I feel like the only time technology truly takes up too much time in my life is during finals when I have to finish a game design project or a 3D modeling project. Other than that, I think that if there's something else that I actually want to do, I can get up and do it with little "resistance" from technology, if that makes sense. 

There are countless things you can do online and for me, with my browsing tendencies and my major and my freelance,  I do think that technology has made me smarter and has enhanced a lot of my skills. Most of the time, besides browsing information about TLC's Sister Wives, I'm watching videos on how to grow on Fiverr or different 3D modeling techniques and workflows. I'm watching different youtubers play different games but, its research because I'm a game design major and I'm analyzing the different things that makes a game enjoyable and what doesn't. I'm making notes of what game mechanics work, which ones are frustrating, and which ones I personally like.  It's the same when I play video games.  

My online footprint is non-existent. I do use  a fake email and my instagram account is private. When you google my name, nothing of mine shows up. Everything that shows up is just pictures of athletes and that's pretty much it. However, if you google my username, that an entirely different story, but my username isn't linked to my first name, so you really wouldn't even know who it was unless you know me and what my usual username is. 

I have gotten smarter about what I post on social media and who I allow to follow me and whatnot. Back in middle school, you post your whole life on social media. I mean I have a whole entire copy of my diary from 5th grade to 7th grade on Wattpad. (It is pretty interesting though). I would never  do that now. I also block people from following me, instead of accepting everyone like I used to, and  I barely ever post unless it's on my private story that only has my close friends on it. 

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My Relationship With Technology

 We are in the age of technology. There's new technology being developed and released daily. It surrounds us and it is an everyday part ...