Saturday, November 19, 2022

EOTO: The Carrier Pigeon

 During our EOTO presentations, I learned about many interesting forms of communication. The one that interested me the most was the presentation about the carrier pigeons. I was so surprised to learn that carrier pigeons were so significant in communication history as well as significant enough to even be considered a "communication technology." 

During both of the world wars, carrier pigeons were used to carry messages back and forth and as technology progressed, they were also photographers on the battle field.  hey took only 6 weeks
to train and they were a valuable asset to the war effort. They played a major role in the intelligence service in WWII  and even carried messages that saved lives. The pigeons had a rough life though, they would sometimes be shot down because they would be seen as spies and their messages would get intercepted. There was a notable pigeon named Cher Ami. He delivered his message even though he was blinded in one eye, he got shot, and his leg was hanging on by a tendon. He delivered 12 important messages and the last message he delivered, he saved 194 soldiers and let them know that thy were safe behind American lines.  He received the  French Croix de Guerre with palm award for his brave service. 

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