Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Stifling of Anti-War Voices

 Back in the day, you could be thrown in jail for speaking out against war, technically today, you still could be if it's seen as incitement.  You never hear on the big news channels like CNN, FOX, NBC, etc.  about people speaking up against the war. You never hear about strong anti war opinions on any mainstream media. Why is that?  

During wartime, the government can do things that they can't usually do, and one of those things includes impacting freedom of speech.  As I said above,  antiwar voices are often stifled or face consequences for their actions. In 1919, there were many supreme court cases of  people getting thrown in jail for speaking out against the war like the Schenck v. United States Case.  During that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Homes stated that, "When a nation is at war, many things that might be said in times of peace are such a hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as men fight, and that no Court could regard them as protected by any constitutional right." So basically he said the government can restrict speech in war time more than in times of peace. We all know that we are in "Wartime." How?  Well, America is in armed conflict with  Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen and Libya.  We've also sent  $2.9 billion to Ukraine to aid them in the conflict between them and Russia, and I feel like that involves us in that conflict in a way too.   

Looking at sites like and The American Conservative,  you see headlines that you don't even see in mainstream news and  strong voices against the war.  I think that we have to see out websites like this because the American government, or any government for that matter doesn't want a large majority of its people/ the population to realize that half of these wars are fought for literally no reason other than money and to possibly rally against the government, or refuse to fight in the war. I also think they stifle anti-war  voices because if it seems like everyone is for the war, then you have no internal conflicts with the people.  It also shows a false image of loyalty and patriotism. 

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